What is the Bioacoustics Software Database?

The Bioacoustics Software Database lists and describes currently available, usable bioacoustics software packages.

The goal of the database is to list as many software packages that are:

  • Targeted to or widely used by bioacoustics researchers, and
  • Either stable, currently in active development, or recently released.

Software on this list include free and paid software, a variety of interfaces from graphical interfaces to command line interfaces to utility libraries.

This software database is maintained by Tessa Rhinehart and the Kitzes Lab at the University of Pittsburgh.

How can I use and cite the database?

Click on the "Software" tab to see the software in the database. You can search or sort by tags.

The database will have a DOI soon. In the meantime, please contact Tessa Rhinehart for citation information.

This list is not a recommendation or guarantee that the software will work for you. You should always judge the performance of an analysis method by its performance on your dataset.

Different recording conditions or different distributions of sounds present in your dataset can result in starkly different performance of the same method.

How can I submit updates?

If you have suggestions for additional software to be included or corrections to be made to the descriptions of current software, please submit this form.

We request that you fill out as many descriptions as you can that are relevant to the software at hand.

Your contributions are invaluable--thank you for your help to build the bioacoustics community!

Still have a question? Please reach out! Contributions are greatly appreciated.